Hello and welcome to CoworkInn Dahab.


CoworkInn is your office on the Red Sea - a sunny, warm place, to focus on your projects or just clear your mind. If you thrive on meeting budding entrepreneurs, exchanging experiences and supporting others, this is the place to be. 

But first things first: How did we get here?


It all started with Mira (that's me, hi!).

Traveling is one of my biggest passions, so I traveled a lot around the globe and discovered many interesting countries. I really loved seeing so many amazing places and meeting different people from diverse cultures. But once I came to Dahab, I fell immediately in love with its hippie vibe. I worked here for seven months as a diving instructor...5 years ago! After that, I tried to settle back in to my life in Germany; to do something 'serious', 'normal' or even 'safe'. However, it didn’t really work out so well and I decided to travel to Asia. I ended up visiting almost every country in Southeast Asia (which is perfect for a student’s pocket). It was a great experience...but it wasn’t Dahab. I ended up returning to Dahab several times after my travels and every time I returned, I felt at home again.


Like most young people of a certain age, when studies were almost over I didn't know what I was going to do next. I did an internship at a big company, but was afraid I would end up working there for the rest of my life. I felt trapped. Being in school was great, but life after university was less than exciting. I ended up leaving my first job and joined a small startup company called Rausgegangen which, up to that point, was the best job I'd ever had. My bosses were fantastic and we quickly became very close friends.


But when winter came I started to remember my dream: going back to Dahab and creating a community of free thinking people. I talked about it with my bosses and surprisingly, they loved my idea and decided to support me.


Now here we are!


I look forward to meeting you soon in Dahab!



The time I worked as a dive guide in Dahab

Yes, I got blond in Egypt. That was because of the sun and the saltwater... :-)

Getting crazy at work behind the counter at the Dive Center.

I board the ship successfully :-)

We changed our equipment completely under water as exercise. That was fun.

Me and Paula doing a road trip through Vietnam

For the only time I wasn´t traveling solo as usual, Paula was my "Bad Ass on the road" Buddy :-)

We drove for three weeks and that was an unforgettable experience.

The taste of freedom was so good. One day, I will do a road trip like this again.